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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  January 3, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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cheryl casone, in for maria bartiromo. it's wednesday, january 3rd. 7:00 a.m. on the east coast.
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it's time for the hot topic of the hour. with the next presidential election rapidly approaching and president biden's low poll numbers still sinking the biden re-election campaign is focusing on a new strategy, make 2024 less about biden, more about former president trump. aides suggesting that they should fully compare trump to hitler instead of just claiming trump parrot's hitler's messaging. here's the communication director, warning that the return to trump poses a threat to the united states. watch. >> the return of trump or any other maga republicans had m the white house means the return to trickle down economy that helped the wealthy at the expense of the middle class and he destroyed economic freedoms. it poses a c threat to our futu.
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cheryl: biden touting on x that he canceled debt for 3.6 million people and he's vowing to keep going, despite the fact that he's basically circumventing the supreme court, amber. let's go back to this because there's a really good editorial in the journal, called the biden/trump crisis and they talk about this and he says that basically that joe biden was already saying halfway through the first term he wanted donald trump to be his 2004 -- '24 opponent because he feels like that's the way to win, go after the problems of donald trump versus steering away from his own problems. >> i guess that's what you do when you don't have any accomplishments to run on. i was blown away by the fact that they tried the whole bidenomics thing when the economy was in tank and iflation was at record highs and from a political strategy standpoint made no sense. this is nothing new for joe biden.
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launched the campaign on the lie in 2020 on the lie that donald trump failed to condemn white supremacists in charlottesville, he said that's the reason he was running. this is the same strategy, just intensified. cheryl: it's interesting because j jenkins writes that is an extension of the democrats' overall 2022 primary strategy, mid-term strategy, they tried to pick their own opponents, spending millions to promote maga candidates in key gop primaries and the red wave did not materialize in 2022. >> it didn't because there's far right people in the party that obviously i think we've all become less tolerant of. when it comes down to bidenomics, things like relieving student dent, we know any time there's a handout it causes inflation and i think the american people understand that, when the government spends more money it's a tax on the
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american people in costs going up. we've had 18% plus cumulative inflation so it's the wrong thing to run on because i think americans aren't dumb and they understand spending more costs more in the end because prices go up and that's what we've seen p is major inflation problems. cheryl: bidenomics is not working, the messaging is not working and they're trying to pivot. this is their new plan, to you attack the former president. the former president has been racking up some really key gop endorsements. politico came out with a new headline titled the gop's most trump skep ytrump skeptical blos falling in line. steve scalise is now backing trump. he made the a announcement on x, vowing republicans will fight for struggling families. this comes as we are less than two weeks away from iowa
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caucuses. here we go. this is going to be the key test. all the polls aside, we're now going to find out what voters have to say. >> that's true. you hear trump's opponents talking on social media how they believe they have a chance to win iowa. i don't buy it. i think the endorsements were a matter of time. a lot of the senators were kind of holding their fire with caution trying to see who ended up rising to the top of the ticket and with trump performing so well, 30, 40 percentage points ahead in iowa and a new hampshire, it's inevitable they have to throw their support behind him. why not now. cheryl: new hampshire, it looks like it's going to be make or break in iowa and new hampshire for nikki haley. nikki haley has been pick be pip new key endorsement as well. even though donald trump is the frontrunner, the polls say that, what do you make of the momentum that pushed nikki haley to the position she is in glow new hampshire is her best chance.
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that's her one opportunity to show that she actually has a chance to potentially win the nomination. what she has going for her in new hampshire, there are a lot of independents and moderates in new hampshire and she does well with independents but trump still outpaces her with independents there so it's not clear exactly how she's going to win enough of them to make up the massive deficit among the trump base. cheryl: what happens, though -- obviously this is make or break for vivek and chris christie. he said he put all of his eggs into the new hampshire basket. that's the focus. the polling is show he has not picked up that momentum. myquestion is when do the other candidates step aaside and make this a one or two man slash woman race? when does that happen? the timing of this, is that what's key. >> yeah. i think the problem is, if they were going to do that it had to happen weeks or months ago a. if you wait too long you end up doing what ted cruz tried to do
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in 2016 which was slowly one by one people started dropping out and you only had a few primary states left when the anti-trump support coalesced around ted cruz. you have to do that early. otherwise you spend a lot of money, a lot of time, a lot of campaigning wasting your time split between five, six different challengers. cheryl: that's a good point. back in 2015, knack the day, ryan, -- back in the day, it is when ted cruz announced he was leaving the race, donald trump was the nominee. >> 100%. i think at this point the you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. i think be by march donald trump is going to be the candidate, the polls are just so grossly in his favor at this point. cheryl: we shall see. again, now we are getting a window into biden's strategy and that's going to be go after him, forget what i have messed up, what i haven't done right as president be, let's focus on the opponent. we're just getting started. coming up, harvard president
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claudine gay resigning from her position but makes a decision all about racism we're going to talk about that all morning long. first, markets are off to a rough start to the year, futures are down ahead of key jobs data this week. we've got the word on wall street panel here to weigh in. don't miss a moment of it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ i want something just like this. ♪ i want something just like this. ♪ your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”?
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baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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cheryl: now time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me now payne capital management president, ryan payne and horizon investment chief
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investment officer, scott ladner. scott, good morning to you. thanks for joining us. ryan, i want to start with you on the jobs data that's coming up this week. we're going to get the jolts report, coming out at 10:00, a.m. dp comes out, claims tomorrow, a delay on adp because of the holiday and of course the december jobs report. here's the expectations for friday. 168,000 jobs added to the economy in december. what will you be looking for, for jobs report? >> i think it's going to be a tight labor market. that's what we've seen all along, that's what we saw last year, i think we'll see the same thing year. that jolts report today we're going to see it probably come in higher, more job openings than we saw the month prior so i think the bigger question isn't do we have a tight labor market but are wage inflation moderating? i think that's the key here, that's what we've seen is wages are going up, which is a positive but are they going up slower. if wages are going up a lot, that means wage inflation, that means pressure on obviously what
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we see for inflation this year. so i think if we see moderating inflation with wage, growing over prices, that's the key here, that's what we've seen over the last six months, that's what i call goldilocks situation. that's what i've been calling for all last year and i say the same thing this year. strong jobs, lower inflation, doesn't get better than that. cheryl: and you were bullish throughout 2023 to be clear when a lot of people were coming on this program and saying they were bearish and we were going to go into a recession and we were all going to die. anyway, let's bring in scott on this one. so obviously the december fed minutes is going to be very interesting today, out at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. gold ahead of the minutes right now, look at this, there's the 10 year, but i want to look at gold prices. we've seen a little bit of a fall in gold today, this morning. we're hitting our lowest level in a week. we had the fourth highest close in history and gold, scott, has been that safety play, so has silver. take your picture of why global
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issues, the wars in ukraine, the middle east, the situation with char. china. does the fed minutes affect the commodity situation at all in your opinion today. >> i don't think the fed minutes are going to have a ton to do with the commodity situation. if they're going to impact commodities, probably more likely they're going to impact more the industrial commodities, your industrial metals, your oil, things having to do with -- that are tied to economic activity. with respect to the precious metals thing or inflation hedging side of things in the commodity space, the inflation, it's fairly clear that inflation is whipped. it's down to the defense target at this point and in terms of like if you want gold or silver in terms of an inflation hedge, i think that's probably not the right positioning to be taking at this point. cheryl: ryan, what do you say about the commodity space. do you play it from actually buying the commodities or do you
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look at some of the stocks like anewmont mining or something like that. >> gold looks great around the one you love but it's a horrible long-term inflation. gold is the same place it was a decade ago. if you look at physical commodities, we're seeing copper seeing an uptick there which is a good sign that global growth is starting to come back because the global economy didn't do so sohot last year. i think inflation has come down. with reshoring, with costs going up, i think inflation is going to be a bigger problem the next decade than it was the last decade. cheryl: why did economists and market analysts, i'll take ryan out of this, get 2023 so wrong? >> you know, i think it was an acceptable error. people only understand the world that they live in and through the lens that they have and most people, most economist, market
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participants think about things in terms of a business cycle and so you have leading economic indicators, a series of situations that happen, one thing proceeds the other and these things happen over and a over in history, the last 70 years. the problem is, this covid cycle a that we've been through is not a traditional business cycle. it's never been one. and it's been the wrong set -- the wrong starting place from analysis standpoint. the better starting place is more like a war time economy and recovery. so if you go back to the world war ii type of economy, and we saw massive inflation through that, we saw massive government spending, supply chain shortages, the same thing we saw through the past cycle we saw in the world war ii economy. so i think if your starting place is, this was not a business you cycle, this was kind of a war and recovery, you probably have a better shot to get this right. and we think that will continue on in 2024. cheryl: ryan. >> i think stock experts make fortune tellers look good,
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paraphrasing warren buffet. you have to be careful with conventional wh wisdom. there was a huge belief we had to go into recession. that didn't happen. you we have nay sayers out there, saying i was wrong last year, i'll push the recessionary view out a little further. i think you have the same dynamics, the job market with data that's still strong, inflation is coming down. as long as wages are going up over inflation, consumers are going to spend money, that drives the economy and you take the magnificent seven out of it, the mega cap names, the market is relatively cheap right now. so if you missed the rally, you're sitting in cash and i think a lot of people are, $5.9 trillion sitting in money market funds, it's not too late. you have to diversify properly. i think that's a mistake investors will make, they'll pile into the magnificent seven. the stocks are overval viewed. the s&p 500, 30%, seven stocks isn't the right play. you have to spread out your
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exposure. there's time. i wouldn't sit in cash. the if the fed cuts interest rates, the money market fund won't be 5% at the end of the year. it's a good time to be proactive and not reactive. cheryl: scott, thank you for joining us this morning. it's good to see you. >> thanks, cheryl. cheryl: ryan's going to stay with us all morning long. another accusation against bob menendez for foreign influence. you're not going to believe this one. we're talking about it next. plus, there's regrets about the 2020 vote, that's our p buzz ths morning, coming up. ♪ we all need the human touch. ♪ we all need the human touch. ♪ i need it, the human touch. ♪
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cheryl: here's some of the headlines we're watching this morning. the machete wielding man arrested outside the capitol last week is an illegal migrant from venezuela. he was spotted pacing back and forth had with a brick in his pocket. when police approached him they reyoualrealized he was armed wia
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machete and butcher life. he was arrested after illegally crossing the border into texas. he was released due to lack of detention capacity. he is now in i.c.e. custody and faces removal proceedings. katlyn clark leading the team to micvictory over michigan state h an insane buzzer beater. watch this. >> the anticipation here. davis, time winding down. are they going to get the ball up in time? for the win! yes! chaps. ccheryl: that's a great off, securing the 76-73 win. hawkeyes are the best team in the league winning 11 games in a row. and luxury car, cash, that's
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what bob menendez is accused of receiving as he faces more bribery charges. new indictment includes statements by menendez praising the qatari government as he tried to secure a multimillion dollar deal for new jersey real estate developer fred daves. he has pled not gil i at this. not gil guilty.john fetterman w you accused of selling his honor and our nation for a $24,000 watch, y accused as a foreign agent for two nation, how much more before we -- he was charged with bribery on a r services fraud, extortion. a lawyer for menendez says the government's new allegations stink of desperation despite what they touted in press releases, the government doesn't have the proof to back up the
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allegations against menendez. one piece of evidence, here's where it gets good -- introduced by prosecutors, says how about one of these, allegedly referring to two watches which ranged up to $24,000 and this new indictment doesn't include new charges but -- against him or had his wife but remember this went on from 2018 to 2022, allegedly. he and his wife engaged in a corrupt relationship with three businessmen. to be clear, the qatari -- they did do a build, a real estate build in new jersey. so it's just -- is he teflon don? >> it's unbelievable. and i don't know where they're getting the idea of no evidence. in addition to that screen shot of the text message about the watches, there's also these pictures of the gold bars in his safe, wrapped in a senate jack t jacket, perhaps the worst you alleged criminal ever. remember previously about five
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or six years back he was accused of being involved with under age prostitutes. that ended in a mistrial you i ibelieve. keeps bouncing back. it's pretty incredible. cheryl: it's like a sopranos but it's worse. >> this would be a great netflix film or series. it's like the barter system, like you get physical gold bars, watches, it's like out of the sopranos. cheryl: if the allegations prove to be true and there's the picture from the case, so pros prosecutors have the actual gold bars. this is why the american public is so frustrated with politicians because you look at somebody like menendez who is over and over and over is getting away with charges of corruption and bribery and shenanigans and he's still there. by the way, so republicans, many republicans called for the expulsion of george santos from the house and he was expelled,
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expulled, whatever you want to sarks but menendez is getting a pass. >> john fetterman said after the george santos vote, he said we have someone on our side that is allegedly just as bad, maybe we should do something about this. people are frustrated with what looks like insider stock trading from people who go into congress, not with very high salaries and they come out and somehow they're suddenly wealthy and they manage to outperform the s&p 500 across the board, i think americans are really at the time up with even the veneer of corruption that exists in congress. cheryl: think about nancy pelosi and her husband, there's been allegations for years against him in particular of insider stock trading and there's been calls for members of congress to not be able to own individual stocks, changing the rules and some rules are in place but maybe not enough. these are very fair concerns. >> well, i mean, how can it be
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possible? we have a lot of clients that work in places like pricewaterhousecooper that are consultants that are involved with securities and they can't trade on any of their accounts and the rules are so stringent that we can only trade on their behalf, they can't know what we're doing or can't advice what we're doing. people in congress have inside information on rulings that could affect the stock price don't have regulations in place, itit's insane. nothing is ever done about it. cheryl: amber, what's your prediction about menendez? and what is the feeling in washington right now about these allegations against him? >> i just get the sense a that unless he's actually convicted of something that democrats are going to hold fire. you hear a lot of them talking about what happened with al franken with sexual misconduct allegations against him, the democrats feel they were played, they responded to quickly and they don't think what al franken
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did was that bad. they're afraid if they expel menendez and if the charges get dropped they'll look like fools. that's their calculation. cheryl: more importantly, i think to your point, they're worried about the senate in 2024. they're losing -- about losing control of the senate. maybe this is at the end of the day, despite fetterman coming out and being vocal, it comes down to power. >> yes. cheryl: they want to maintain power in november and not lose it. fair? >> exactly. they want to maintain power and the only reason that they would expel menendez is if it seemed like he had enough baggage to threaten their hold on power. cheryl: is there anybody that could run for that seat in new jersey? with the last name soprano? i mean, it's a horrible joke -- >> if you think he died at the end of the series or not. >> you never know. [laughter] >> always wondered. cheryl: oh, boy. i tell you. you really can't make this stuff
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up. unbelievable. all right. well, we've got a lot more coming up, everybody. harvard president claudine gay, she is out, handing in her resignation after blaming everybody else for her ousting. harvard alumni and heritage foundation vice president roger summerito will join us with his reaction next. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ you ain't seen nothing yet. ♪ baby, you just ain't seen nothing yet. ♪ here's something that you're never going to forget. ♪ baby, you just ain't seen nothing yet. ♪ you ain't been around ♪
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cheryl: welcome back. i'm cheryl casone, in for maria bartiromo. it's wednesday, january 3rd. a look at markets this half hour. futures to the down side this morning, the second trading day of 2024 after a mixed start to the year, yesterday the dow finishing with a new all time high led by healthcare stocks but the nasdaq tanking on the first full trading day seeing the worst day since october 26. this was a story about apple. apple dragged down the nasdaq after a downgrade from barclays. taking a look at european markets, as you can see red across the board. the ftse, the cac and the dax are all in the red. to asia overnight markets were mostly lower there. the only market that actually jumped higher was a shanghai composite. harvard university president claudine gay resigning yesterday after facing weeks of intense criticism over her handling of anti-semitism and campus -- on campus and accusations of
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plagiarism. in a letter to the harvard community, gay wrote, quote, it has been distressing to have doubt cast on my commitments to confronting hate and upholding scholarly rigor and fright opening to be subjected to personal attacks and threats with racial animous. the gay is going to return to harvard's faculty, reportedly likely going to earn nearly $900,000 a year in salary. of course, she was making that prior to being named president. that was just six months ago. a lot of questions here. let's bring in harvard a alum, heritage foundation vice president roger severino. roger, good morning. >> good morning. cheryl: what is your reaction to the resignation of claudine gay, in particular as a harvard alum, many of your fellow alumni have been saying that she should have been ousted directly after that disastrous testimony on capitol hill.
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>> yeah. .absolutely. this is two down, one to go. three university presidents called for genocide of jews on campus. it's outrageous it took this long. claudine gay was brought on as president to cement harvard as dei-u. she checked the boxes of the dei administration, the right race, the right sex, published on racial division and her thin academic record didn't support her being president. she was famous for pushing dei at harvard. look what it led to. she was absent, absent when you had this ridiculous y attacks on jews at harvard. now she's paying the price. she is not taking accountability, not sorry for what she said. she's trying to blame others and it's more of the same. cheryl: she's claiming this is racism and by the way, she did nnotapologize for what she is
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accused of doing which is obviously not defending jewish students that were being you attacked, that were being trolled on campus, that were afraid for their safety while basically defending -- i mean, this started back -- remember on that letter, she stood by those initial 30 harvard student groups that published the letter that held israel entirely responsible for the october 7th you attacks. i want to bring in amber duke into this. look, it was these conservative journalists that ended up exposing the plagiarism which seems to have goten her fired or i'm sorry, resigned. >> that's exactly right. there's also this weird irony and that some of the passages that claudine gay is a accused of lifting are from carole swain who was sort of an outcast from the academic community because she was considered too conservative for this to come full circle and for conservative
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journalists to be claudine gay's downfall is kind of i think a lit bit shocking for some people. >> that's right. harvard became famous in the supreme court from o opposing racial quotas on her admissions. she is black and conservative. she is not on board with the dei agenda and that bodies qualify disqualify. it raises people based on the color of their skin. that's just wrong. it was bad a couple decades ago. it got worse now. it will change if donors pull their money which we're seeing that now and the federal government stops funding these universities. they're excessive in the billions of dollars that we're giving these universities when
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they're not producing academic rigor, allowing plage troism be covered up and -- plagiarism to be covered up and they're doing dei nonsense. they lost their way, they lost their mission. the resignation is long overdue. i'm not confident the next president will fix it until you have a widespread institutional change and i think it starts with cutting off funds. cheryl: it's interesting. there's so much to unpack in what you just said. the dei side is the criticism lodged generals harvard corporation. the woman had a thin resume. plagiarism allegation, this is before that crossed. she was unqualified for the job and dei was only reason she got the job and bill ackman, a white jewish man coming out and saying that, that's brave on his part. he also said he knew she wouldn't get fired because harvard was afraid it would look like they were kowtowing to him.
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he's a billionaire. maybe in academia he's evil because of that. i want you to listen to what congressman michael waltz said yesterday on fox business, he joined me after the news broke of gay's resignation. listen to what he had to say about the current environment. >> harvard is essentially a hedge fund with classrooms with 54 billion in assets with professors that can't be fired. clearly with presidents that aren't hired on the merits of their work. and that are loading our kids up with debt and not preparing them for a future workforce. we have questions on you how and why she was hired in the first place, why we even had to have a hearing to expose the anti-semitism that was on display for the entire world to see, why a our jewish american citizens felt so threatened youd
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unsafe and unsupported by not just the leadership of the institutions but by their boards. cheryl: your response to that and to what michael waltz had to say? >> yeah, i think he's spot-on. and it starts with the board. the harvard corporation they issued a statement along with claudine gay about her resignation. no responsibility taken whatsoever. shifting, deflecting, trying to blame others. she published 11 a academic peer reviewed journals. that's so thin for a president of a major research university. was she given special recent? sure looks like it. we discovered so many of those were plagiarized in direct violation of harvard's conduct policies and the harvard corporation said they conducted an investigation to look into it and cleared her of it, saying it was no harm, no foul. it's not a small thing. plagiarism is a serious issue. the harvard corporation tried to sweep it under the rug.
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it looks like it was because of the dei ideology. they wanted to protect their own. they didn't want to be seen as taking down the first black woman president at harvard and that clouded their judgment. when the misfeasance was so obvious, it couldn't be sustained and they said enough is enough but they didn't take responsibility for real. cheryl: a lot of u.s. corporations now we saw in 2023, these dei departments, the initiatives were cut because it didn't at the end of the day make good business sense. you've got a business to run and when it comes to harvard, you've got a university to run and you've got students to teach. maybe it should be about the students' education and not about virtue signaling. i want to bring in ryan payne. go ahead. >> the board protected you claudine, does anything really change here because no one% them the board is gone. will they be ousted, members of the board? is that a possibility? seems like those that kept her
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in place should be out as well if you want to evoke change here. >> that's why i said earlier, it's the money. they actually have to feel the pressure, they have to lose the donations they've been getting. there's billions in the endowment, built on goodwill of what used to be a great institution. they lost that. they smashed their credibility. the donors need to pull back. the federal government has to withdraw the funding, research funding there has to be an investigation, by the department of justice. the biden administration, i doubt they'll do much with it. they have to feel a pinch, have to lose their federal funds and then the harvard corporation might change and there might be new elections. that's what it will take. cheryl: i think that's the next stage of this. i don't think. i'm aware of it. michael waltz and a elise stefanik said they're not done, it's not over as far as congressional hearings are concerned.
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elise stefanik posted idea on x, that was the most watched, viewed hearing in congress was that testimony from those three presidents and as she said, and others have said, two down. one to go. roger severino, harvard alum yourself, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. cheryl: all right. well, we've got a lot more coming up this morning. sthere's regrets over a 2020 voe that's making a buzz this morning. we are on it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ mommy's all right. ♪ daddy's all right. ♪ they just seem a little weird. ♪ surrender. ♪ surrender. ♪ but don't give yourself away. ♪ hey hey. ♪
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so i decided to go with golo and it's changed my life. when i first started golo and taking release, my cravings, they went away. and i was so surprised. you feel that your body is working and functioning the way it should be and you feel energized. golo has improved my life in so many ways. i'm able to stand and actually make dinner. i'm able to clean my house. i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works. cheryl: time for the morning buzz. influential radio host charlamagne tha god says he will not endorse president biden and vice president kamala harris in 2024. speaking to politico he blasted biden as a quote, lousy
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messenger, saying he lacks basic skills compared to former president biden. he says he feels burned for supporting harris, calling her out for disappearing in the white house, he commented about the backlash he received for endorsing biden and a harris, saying people come up to him all the time, saying damn, you told us to vote for them. your reaction. >> i'm not surprised. charlamagne tha god has been a thorn in the side of the biden administration for the past couple years. he hosts a show called the breakfast club. he has viral moments that keep occurring. he had biden on the show when the you ain't black comment was first made. he has kamala harris on the program and asked her during the negotiations of the build back better legislation, who is the real president, joe biden or joe manchin. kamala harris pretends not to hear the question. symone sanders tries to end the
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interview. when you have situations like that on this program and you can't blame the guy for saying maybe i got it wrong, these people are completely inauthentic and also probably lying about whatever they claimed to not hear about on the podcast. cheryl: look, ryan, vice president harris, she made history, first woman vice president, african-american, asian descent, she broke barriers and there was a lot of hope for her to be the change agent. again, she hit that glass ceiling, she broke it, which was great. what charlamagne said in 2020, i'm tired of white male leadership in politics, i believe she's a change agent, the leader the country needs in the future so he picked up on that and said i'm excited looking forward to someone to break the barriers and she's failed him. >> she really has. her approval ratings are you
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abysmal. she was at 41% going into the year, something like 36% now. and it's worse -- last time she had a positive approval rating was june of 2021. i think whenever she speaks it feels a bit hollow. she doesn't know the issues. kind of reminds of the mid-level corporate managers i used to have back in the day in corporate america. cheryl: amber, you're the political expert. it's about optics, about impressions and does that person, that candidate or politician connect with people and she's had a problem connecting the uncomfortable laugh in interviews, the discomfort, awkward moments that we've seen from her in of different speeches and events and don't get me started on the fact they appointed her the border czar. she doesn't want to go to the border and she hasn't done anything about the border. >> i think you can overcome a charisma problem as a politician if you are e competent. in this case, it's a very big
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if. you also have to say that president joe biden and members of the white house team have i think sort of intentionally tried to hamstring her by giving her the border issue, obviously no border policy is going to change to help secure the border under the biden administration, then they put her in charge of the massive federal overtaking of he voting rights which was sure to fail and so repeatedly they've sort of given her these tasks that she was unable to really do anything about. you combine that with the fact she is generally incompetent, generally bad at public speaking and it's a disaster. cheryl: you alooeded -- allude r&d to this a few moments ago, they're setting her up to fail. >> i think that's exactly what's happening. go back to the beginning of the biden administration. first lady jill biden was not a fan of kamala, unhappy about the fact that kamala alluded to biden being a racist during one of the early democratic primary debates. they allegedly had a huge fight about that in the white house
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and so it wouldn't surprise me if members of biden's team are sort of gaming out how do we give the vice president the tasks that might make the president look bad and sort of offshore that blame and criticism to her. ch.cheryl: that debate stage wn she went after goa he goa on the bussing -- went after joe biden on the bussing issue. it comes down to kitchen table issues, the issues we're seeing, border crisis, immigration, the economy in general, the biden administration seems to be failing the american public and that comes down to what we're going to see in 2024. which is do you want a return to the economy and the market that you had under the president before this one, ryan, last word. >> no, no, 100%. i think economics are always the top of mind issue and my question for you, can they
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switch her out? [laughter] >> only viable way for biden to get ahead is to switch her out. i don't know if that's possible. >> i think you have to switch both of them out. [laughter] cheryl: exactly. oh, boy. all right. well, we've got a lot more coming up. harvard president claudine gay stepping down but will stick around among the faculty and still get paid. the reaction from scholars, students, investors, that's coming up in the hot touchic of --hot topic of the hour. had that is next. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants
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